RJ Woodland Services can help with the initial design & landscaping of your new woodland. We complete grant applications and consult with the Forest Service & other relevant bodies on our client’s behalf.
We manage the young plantation, from ground preparation through to planting and maintenance until it is well established. We will listen to your objectives to ensure that the woodland we plant is the right one for your needs. The current schemes are intended to encourage tree planting in Northern Ireland.

Forest Expansion Scheme
- The current Forest Expansion Scheme deadline is 28th August 2020.
- The minimum area that qualifies is 3.0 Hectares.
- The initial planting, including ground preparation and fencing, (if required) are grant aided.
- Maintenance costs for the first 5 years will also be grant aided.
- Attracts and annual income up to £425/ha (£172/acre) for 10 years in addition the land still qualifies for Single Farm Payment.
- Basic Payment Entitlements are retained when planting new woodland.
Environmental Farming Scheme
The Environmental Farming Scheme will support small-scale native woodland planting. This scheme is planned to open for applications in summer 2016. Under this environmental scheme, participants can plant smaller areas of woodland up to 5.0 Ha on their farm.

The re-establishment of clearfelled forests with an aim to encourage species diversity and improve their resilience to climate change is also funded.
Support will be provided at a rate of £600 / ha.